Susanne Fessé | Curator | Writer

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Panel discussion at Uppsala Art Museum, with Lundahl & Seitl, Stefan Jonsson and Devin Phillip Zuber. The conversation is moderated by Susanne Fessé

Text from Facebook invitation Uppsala konstmuseum: 

The artist duo Lundahl & Seitl will discuss different aspects of the newly commissioned artwork Involution. How far do we allow ourselves to get involved and how can aesthetic resistance operate today? Influenced by the theories of the eco-feminist Natasha Mayers and Carla Hustak Involution highlights evolution as originating in affective relationships between species, rather than through competition.

The legacy of Peter Weiss writing, and different implications of the piece Aesthetic of resistance will be debated together with Lundahl & Seitl, Devin Phillip Zuber, Associate Professor of American Studies, Religion, and Literature, and Stefan Jonsson, who is a Cultural Theorist with a specialism on Peter Weiss's work, as well as a Professor at Linköping University. The talk will be moderated by art historian, curator and writer, Susanne Fessé.

Devin Phillip Zuber is Associate Professor of American Studies, Religion, and Literature at the Graduate Theological Union, Berkeley. Prior to coming to Berkeley in 2011, he taught at the University of Osnabrück and the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, both in Germany, and at Queens College in New York City. His newly published book: A Language of Things Emanuel Swedenborg and the American Environmental Imagination, was the winner of 2020 Borsch-Rast Prize.

Stefan Jonsson is Professor at Linköping University. His research is multidisciplinary with a base in critical cultural theory and aiming toward an understanding of the social and historical formation of collective identities. Originally a scholar and critic of literature, aesthetics, and intellectual history, Stefan has increasingly focused on the social and historical processes through which identities are constituted and transformed in the crossroad between the psychic and the political or the social. Amongst earlier publications you find: Eurafrica: The Untold History of European Integration and Colonialism (2014). A Brief History of the Masses: Three Revolutions (2008) and Crowds and Democracy: The Idea and Image of the Masses from Revolution to Fascism (2013).

Lundahl & Seitl is an artist duo, formed in 2003 and based in Stockholm and London. They perform, teach, and play with choreography, VR, architecture, and the exhibition format, when creating anti-disciplinary artworks as experiences. With a background in visual arts (Christer Lundahl) and choreography (Martina Seitl) they discover immersive states as a philosophical tool to observe the boundaries and connections between the living, different objects and technologies, places, and environments. Their works and projects have been exhibited in museums and institutions such as the Gropius-Bau / Berliner Festspiele (DE), Tate Britain (UK), Royal Academy of Art (UK), 66th Avignon Festival (FR), Centre Pompidou Metz (FR), 8th Momentum Biennale (NO), and the Kochi Muziris Biennale (IN).

Susanne Fessé is an art historian, curator and writer. She is Editor in Chief of Utställningskritik: Sweden's only magazine about museums and exhibition criticism. With a special interest in lens-based art, she is one of the founders of VERK journal, which won the Swedish Publishing Prize 2018. Susanne is, as a curator, part of the exhibition group of CFF - Centre of Photography in Sweden.